The default for asreml.option has changed from mbf to grp. The arguments dropRowterm and dropColterm have been replaced with the more general arguments dropFixed and dropRandom. The default for ngridangles has changed to NULL to provide for using an optimizer to search for the optimal rotation. There has been several changes to the arguments of, addSpatialModel.asrtests, addSpatialModelOnIC.asrtests or chooseSpatialModelOnIC.asrtests as follows: This provides an alternative to searching over a two-dimensional grid of angles.įix a bug in the fits used in searching for optimal rotation angles by doing the search before any spatial P-spline models are fitted. News for Package asremlPlus asremlPlus Version 4.4.24 (įix a bug in plotLSDerrors so that the correct errors are now plotted.Īdd argument to pickLSDstatistics.alldiffs, which when it is not NULL results in mininzing the weighted sum of the false.pos and false.neg comparisons of pairwise differences.Īdd the use of the R optimizer nloptr::bobyqa to search for the optimal angles for the rotation of the eigenvlues of the penalty matrix when fitting cubic P-splines using addSpatialModel.asrtests, addSpatialModelOnIC.asrtests or chooseSpatialModelOnIC.asrtests.